Malachi Belcher - Baby Session

In May 2019, we discovered that God had blessed us with a baby. Right away, we began to write letters for him to read one day. We wrote about the stories of the pregnancy, the funny things that happened along the way, some of the difficult moments, and the prayers we had for the future. Those letters are collected in a journal we’ll give him when he’s older, but this video is a visual representation of those letters. The last 9 months have been such an adventure for us. I’ve never loved Jill so much, laughed harder, cried more, or felt more unified with her than during this season. There were so really hard moments for sure (e.g., Jill’s 1st trimester sickness, the labor), but I got see her exercise a strength only a mother could. And at the end of the whole process, we finally got to meet this sweet baby boy we have come to love so dearly.

Leah captured our first few days with Malachi beautifully and we will treasure these photos forever.

We combined a few snippets from Malachi’s letters, video from Jill’s pregnancy, and the video of his arrival into the little video above. We are so thankful for the loving community that surrounds us and our son and we hope you feel a sense of our joy through this little highlight video.

Thanks for celebrating with us!